
Popular Anglo-Saxon Origin Baby Names

Popular Anglo-Saxon names for girls and boys

Showing 621 - 640 of 650 results. Page: 32 of 33
# Name Origin Meaning Gender
621 Wellington Anglo-Saxon From the wealthy estate. M
622 Werian Anglo-Saxon Defends. M

623 Whitney Anglo-Saxon From the white island. F
624 Whitney Anglo-Saxon From the white island. M
625 Wilbur Anglo-Saxon Dearly loved stronghold. M
626 Wilda Anglo-Saxon Wild. F
627 Wilfrid Anglo-Saxon Name of a saint. M
628 Willa Anglo-Saxon Desired. F
629 Willsn Anglo-Saxon Wishes. M
630 Wilona Anglo-Saxon Hoped for. F
631 Wilone Anglo-Saxon Hoped for. F
632 Winchell Anglo-Saxon Drawer of water. M
633 Wine Anglo-Saxon Friend. M

634 Winter Anglo-Saxon Year. M
635 Wirt Anglo-Saxon Worthy. M
636 Wissian Anglo-Saxon Guide. M
637 Woden Anglo-Saxon King of the gods. M
638 Worthington Anglo-Saxon From the river's side. M
639 Wregan Anglo-Saxon Accuses. M
640 Wright Anglo-Saxon Tradesman. M

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