Monthly Panchang calendar with accurate Drik Ganita calculations

Read an article on the September 17-18 Lunar Eclipse, timings and complete details, including results and remedies for each sign. Read it in English , Hindi, and Telugu  New

Daily Horoscope (Rashifal): English, हिंदी, and తెలుగు

September, 2024 Monthly Horoscope (Rashifal) in:

Multi-lingual monthly Panchang

Complete Panchang and daily guide in your language

This Panchang Calendar page gives a detailed Hindu calendar for each month that includes daily Tithi, Nakshatra, Yoga, and other important timings like Rahu Kala, Gulika Kala and Yamaganda. The calendar is mainly designed for those who follow Hindu rituals lika Puja, Yagya etc to easily find auspicious and inauspicious times for various activities throughout the year. It is available in multiple languages and can be customized for different locations.

This Monthly Panchang Calendar is available in Thirteen languages. English, Hindi, Marathi, Punjabi, Gujarati, Bengali, Telugu, Kannada, Malayalam, Tamil, French, German and Russian. Select the desired language, and click on date to get Panchang for that date.

This page allows you to access the monthly Panchang for any month and year. After saving your preferred location, language, and Kundali type, just click on the date you want. You’ll get detailed information on Tithi, Vara, Nakshatra, Yoga, and Karana, along with their ending times. Additionally, you’ll find details about Rahu Kaal, Varjyam, Durmuhurta, Amrit Ghati, Tara Bala, Chandra Bala, Ghata Din, and a host of other essential daily details.

Free Vedic Horoscope with predictions

Lord Ganesha writing JanmakundaliAre you interested in knowing your future and improving it with the help of Vedic Astrology? Here is a free service for you. Get your Vedic birth chart with the information like likes and dislikes, good and bad, along with 100-year future predictions, Yogas, doshas, remedies and many more. Click below to get your free horoscope.
Get your Vedic Horoscope or Janmakundali with detailed predictions in  English,  Hindi,  Marathi,  Telugu,  Bengali,  Gujarati,  Tamil,  Malayalam,  Punjabi,  Kannada,  Russian, and  German.
Click on the desired language name to get your free Vedic horoscope.


Monthly Horoscope


Check September Month Horoscope (Rashiphal) for your Rashi. Based on your Moon sign.

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Newborn Astrology


Know your Newborn Rashi, Nakshatra, doshas and Naming letters in Hindi.

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Vedic Horoscope


Free Vedic Janmakundali (Horoscope) with predictions in Telugu. You can print/ email your birth chart.

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Newborn Astrology


Know your Newborn Rashi, Nakshatra, doshas and Naming letters in Telugu.

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