
Tatkal Prashna kundali for Horary Astrology

Prashna Kundli with Current Panchang and Planetary Positions

In astrology, Horary Astrology or horary astrology is an important discipline. This is also known as chapanna shastra. The significance of the question arises from the planetary position and the influence of the planetary position present at the time the posterior asked the question. If an object is lost or any human beings are missing, the answer can be found on the basis of this questionnaire. Is it possible to find a lost object or a man, and if so, in which direction are they? Horary Astrology tells you the answers to questions such as when it can be found, etc. You can also rely on Horary Astrology in making important decisions. This tatkal Prashna kundli or current question kundli is based on the place and time you are currently in. Through this, skilled astrologers will answer easily.

Do not change the timezone, latitude, or longitude. They are automatically set based on the location you provide. For example, the timezone for India is 'Asia/Kolkata'. Do not modify it as it adjusts based on the country of the city you provide.
Save the city you live in as the default city and save language and kundli method so you don't need to fill these every time.

For thousands of years, astrology has become a part of the daily routine of many people around the world, showing people the right path. There is no such thing as taking care of the Panchanga or the horoscopes in the morning, writing horoscopes as soon as the children are born, marriages, children, employment, health, etc., which is not a matter of astrology that does not show the way to answer. One's date of birth, time, and place of birth are required to see one's horoscope. Through these details, the main thing that happens is to see the horoscope based on the planetary position of the day at that time. But occasionally, it's not possible to see through a birth horoscope, like knowing whether we will succeed in deciding about something or doing something or not. There is a branch called Horary Astrology in Astrology to answer such questions. Will a work be successful through this or not, will the lost object be found? Can't find it? In which direction should it be searched if found? And at what time will it be available? The answer to such questions can be found through astrology. Through the astrology of the question, the astrologers answer the Lagna Kundali by the planetary position at the time when the question was asked and the astrologers will answer according to the planets in the Kundali. The answer is considered by considering the position of Lagna lord, the position of the moon, position of the lord of profit, etc. The answer to the question through astrology will definitely work out most of the time.

Free Astrology

Newborn Astrology, Rashi, Nakshatra, Name letters

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