
Browse Girls Baby Names Starting with letter 'V'

Showing 241 - 260 of 269 results. Page: 13 of 14
# Name Origin Meaning Gender
241 Viveka Swedish Little woman. F
242 Vivia Latin Variant of Viva: Alive. F

243 Vivian English Variant of Vivien, the Lady of the Lake In Malory's 'Mort dArthur'. Also Merlin's enchantress. F
244 Vivian Latin Lively. F
245 Viviana English Variant of Vivien, the Lady of the Lake In Malory's 'Mort dArthur'. Also Merlin's enchantress. F
246 Viviana Italian Alive. F
247 Viviana Latin Lively. F
248 Viviane ArthurianLegend The Lady of the Lake. F
249 Viviane French Variant of Vivian: The Lady of the Lake. F
250 Vivianna English Variant of Vivien, the Lady of the Lake In Malory's 'Mort dArthur'. Also Merlin's enchantress. F
251 Vivianna Latin Variant of Vivien. In Malory's Mort dArthur Vivien was the Lady of the Lake; also the enchantress of Merlin. F
252 Vivianne English Variant of Vivien, the Lady of the Lake In Malory's 'Mort dArthur'. Also Merlin's enchantress. F
253 Vivianne Latin Variant of Vivien. In Malory's Mort dArthur Vivien was the Lady of the Lake; also the enchantress of Merlin. F

254 Vivien ArthurianLegend The Lady of the Lake. F
255 Vivien French Variant of Vivian: The Lady of the Lake. F
256 Vivienne French Lively. F
257 Vivienne Latin Lively. F
258 Vivika Indian Wisdom. F
259 Volante Italian Flying. F
260 Voleta French Veiled. F

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