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Showing 1761 - 1780 of 2210 results. Page: 89 of 111
# Name Origin Meaning Gender
1761 Arleen English Variant of Carlene and Charlene. F
1762 Arleen French Derived from a feminine diminutive of Charles, meaning manly. A medieval given name. F

1763 Arleen German Variant of Aline: Diminutive of Adeline, from the Old German 'athal' meaning noble. F
1764 Arleen Irish Oath. F
1765 Arleena English Variant of Carlene and Charlene. F
1766 Arleene English Variant of Carlene and Charlene. F
1767 Arleigh English Meadow of the hare. F
1768 Arleigh German Meadow of the hare. F
1769 Arlena English Variant of Carlene and Charlene. F
1770 Arlena Irish Oath. F
1771 Arlene Celtic An oath. F
1772 Arlene English Variant of Carlene and Charlene. F
1773 Arlene French Derived from a feminine diminutive of Charles, meaning manly. A medieval given name. F

1774 Arlene Irish Oath. F
1775 Arlenna English Variant of Carlene and Charlene. F
1776 Arleta Celtic An oath. F
1777 Arleta French A medieval given name. F
1778 Arleta Irish Oath. F
1779 Arletta French Variant of Arlette: Derived from a feminine diminutive of Charles, meaning manly. A medieval given name. F
1780 Arletta Latin Latinized form of the French Arlette. F

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