
Browse Boys Baby Names Starting with letter 'K'

Showing 341 - 360 of 916 results. Page: 18 of 46
# Name Origin Meaning Gender
341 Kelyn Welsh Legendary son of Caw. M
342 Keme Gaelic Little dark. M

343 Keme NativeAmerican Secret Pajackok - thunder (Algonquin). M
344 Kemen Basque Strong. M
345 Kemen Spanish Strong. M
346 Kemp English Warrior. M
347 Kempe English Warrior. M
348 Kemuel Biblical God hath raised up; or established him M
349 Ken English Royal obligation. Abbreviation of names beginning with 'Ken-'. M
350 Ken Japanese Strong; physically healthy. M
351 Ken Scottish Diminutive of Kenneth: Handsome. Root of the surname MacKenzie. Famous Bearer: Kenneth Grahame (1859- 1932), author of The Wind in the Willows. M
352 Ken Welsh Clear water. M
353 Kenah Biblical Buying; possession M

354 Kenan Biblical Buyer; owner M
355 Kenan Irish Archaic. M
356 Kenaz Biblical This purchase, this lamentation. M
357 Kendal Celtic From the bright valley. M
358 Kendal English Royal valley. Derived from a place name and surname 'Cumbrian', which means 'Valley of the River Kent'. M
359 Kendale English Royal valley. Surname referring to Kent in England. M
360 Kendall Celtic From the bright valley. M

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