
Popular Slavic Origin Baby Names

Popular Slavic names for girls and boys

Showing 21 - 40 of 98 results. Page: 2 of 5
# Name Origin Meaning Gender
21 Conrad Slavic Brave; wise. M
22 Dimas Slavic Variant of Demetrius. In Catholic writings Dimas is the compassionate thief who died with Jesus. M

23 Dimetrius Slavic In Catholic writings Dimas is the compassionate thief who died with Jesus. M
24 Dimitri Slavic Variant of Demetrius. In Catholic writings Dimas is the compassionate thief who died with Jesus. M
25 Dimitrios Slavic Variant of Demetrius. In Catholic writings Dimas is the compassionate thief who died with Jesus. M
26 Dimka Slavic Universal. M
27 Florian Slavic Flower. Masculine of Flora from a Roman clan name. M
28 Ivan Slavic Variant of John. Ivanhoe is the medieval variant Sir Walter Scott used for the Saxon hero of Ivanhoe.'. M
29 Ivanhoe Slavic Variant of John. Ivanhoe is the medieval variant Sir Walter Scott used for the Saxon hero of Ivanhoe.'. M
30 Ivano Slavic Variant of John. Ivanhoe is the medieval variant Sir Walter Scott used for the Saxon hero of Ivanhoe.'. M
31 Jan Slavic Variant of John 'God has been gracious; has shown favor.'. M
32 Karel Slavic Manly. M
33 Karol Slavic Manly. M

34 Kasimer Slavic Commands peace. M
35 Kasimir Slavic Enforces peace. The name of the patron saint of Poland; also a favored name of Polish royalty. M
36 Kazatimiru Slavic Commands peace. M
37 Kersten Slavic Christian. M
38 Laci Slavic Famous ruler. M
39 Lacko Slavic Famous ruler. M
40 Ladislas Slavic Good ruler. M

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