
Popular Scottish Origin Baby Names

Popular Scottish names for girls and boys

Showing 1 - 20 of 239 results. Page: 1 of 12
# Name Origin Meaning Gender
1 Adair Scottish From the oak tree ford. F
2 Adaira Scottish From the oak tree ford. F

3 Adairia Scottish From the oak tree ford. F
4 Aeneas Scottish Sometimes used in Scotland as a translation of the Gaelic Aonghus'. F
5 Aila Scottish From the strong place. F
6 Aileana Scottish From the green meadow. F
7 Aileen Scottish From the green meadow, a variant of Evelyn. Also a Scottish variant of the Irish Eileen. F
8 Aileene Scottish Variant of Evelyn. F
9 Ailie Scottish Diminutive of Ailsa: From Ailsa Craig, a rocky islet in the Scottish Firth of Clyde. Also a Scottish variant of Else, and a diminutive of Ailis or Alison. F
10 Ailsa Scottish From Ailsa Craig, a rocky islet in the Scottish Firth of Clyde. Also a Scottish variant of Else. F
11 Akira Scottish Anchor. F
12 Alison Scottish Scottish form of Louise: battle famous. Variant of Alice. F
13 Alpina Scottish Blond. F

14 Anice Scottish Scottish form of Ann: grace. F
15 Annabel Scottish Beautiful grace. F
16 Annabella Scottish Beautiful grace. F
17 Athdara Scottish From the oak tree ford. F
18 Beathas Scottish Wise. F
19 Beth Scottish Diminutive of Bethia: This Hebrew name became popular in Scotland in the 17th century because of it's association with the Gaelic 'beath' meaning 'life. F
20 Bethia Scottish This Hebrew name became popular in Scotland in the 17th century because of it's association with the Gaelic 'beath' meaning 'life. F

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