
Popular NativeAmerican Origin Baby Names

Popular NativeAmerican names for girls and boys

Showing 1 - 20 of 377 results. Page: 1 of 19
# Name Origin Meaning Gender
1 Abooksigun NativeAmerican Wildcat (Algonquin). M
2 Abornazine NativeAmerican Abnaki word for keeper of the flame. M

3 Abukcheech NativeAmerican Mouse (Algonquin). M
4 Achak NativeAmerican Spirit (Algonquin). M
5 Adahy NativeAmerican Lives in the woods (Cherokee). M
6 Aditsan NativeAmerican Listener (Navajo). M
7 Adoeete NativeAmerican Kiowa word for tree. M
8 Adoerte NativeAmerican Variant of Adoeete: Kiowa word for tree. M
9 Adooeette NativeAmerican Variant of Adoeete: Kiowa word for tree. M
10 Ahanu NativeAmerican He laughs (Algonquin). M
11 Ahiga NativeAmerican He fights (Navajo). M
12 Ahmik NativeAmerican Beaver. M
13 Ahote NativeAmerican Restless one (Hopi). M

14 Ahtunowhiho NativeAmerican One who lives below (Cheyenne). M
15 Ahusaka NativeAmerican Winnebago word for wings. M
16 Akando NativeAmerican Ambush. M
17 Akecheta NativeAmerican Fighter (Sioux). M
18 Akule NativeAmerican Looks up. M
19 Alahmoot NativeAmerican Nez perce word for an elm branch. M
20 Aleekcheaahoosh NativeAmerican Crow name meaning accomplished. M

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