
Popular Latin Origin Baby Names

Popular Latin names for girls and boys

Showing 1601 - 1620 of 1964 results. Page: 81 of 99
# Name Origin Meaning Gender
1601 Pauli Latin Small. F
1602 Paulina Latin Small. F

1603 Pauline Latin Feminine form of Paul: Little; small. F
1604 Paulita Latin Small. F
1605 Pavla Latin Small. F
1606 Pavlina Latin Small. F
1607 Pax Latin Peace. F
1608 Peace Latin Tranquil. F
1609 Pearl Latin Precious. F
1610 Pearla Latin Precious. F
1611 Pearle Latin Precious. F
1612 Pearlina Latin Precious. F
1613 Pearline Latin Precious. F

1614 Peirene Latin Lover of Poseidon. F
1615 Pellikita Latin Happy. F
1616 Pellkita Latin Happy. F
1617 Pellonia Latin Invoked to ward off enemies. F
1618 Penthesilea Latin Queen of the Amazons. F
1619 Perdita Latin Lost. Perdita was the heroine of Shakespeare's play 'The Winter's Tale'. F
1620 Perdix Latin Sister of Daedalus. F

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