
Popular Greek Origin Baby Names

Popular Greek names for girls and boys

Showing 721 - 740 of 1068 results. Page: 37 of 54
# Name Origin Meaning Gender
721 Mikolas Greek People's victory. M
722 Miles Greek Destroyer. M

723 Milo Greek Destroyer. M
724 Minos Greek Son of Zeus. M
725 Momus Greek God of ridicule. M
726 Mopsus Greek A seer. M
727 Morpheus Greek Bringer of dreams. M
728 Myles Greek Destroyer. M
729 Myron Greek Perfumed oil. M
730 Napolean Greek Of the new city. M
731 Napoleon Greek Of the new city. M
732 Narcisse Greek Daffodil. M
733 Narcissus Greek Daffodil. In greek mythology, Narcissus was a beautiful young man who fell in love with his reflection and was transformed into the narcissus flower. Because of thiis myth, the name can be used to describe someone who is full of himself. M

734 Narkis Greek Daffodil. M
735 Nauplius Greek An Argonaut. M
736 Nectarios Greek Name of a saint. M
737 Neleus Greek Son of Poseidon. M
738 Nemo Greek From the glen. M
739 Nemos Greek From the glen. M
740 Neotolemus Greek Son of Achilles. M

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