
Popular Greek Origin Baby Names

Popular Greek names for girls and boys

Showing 1 - 20 of 1068 results. Page: 1 of 54
# Name Origin Meaning Gender
1 Abderus Greek A friend of Hercules. M
2 Absyrtus Greek Brother of Medea. M

3 Abydos Greek From Abydos. M
4 Acastus Greek An Argonaut. M
5 Acestes Greek A Trojan king from Greek mythology. M
6 Achates Greek Figure in ancient Greek mythology who was the companion of Aeneas. M
7 Achelous Greek A river god. M
8 Acheron Greek River of sorrow/woe. M
9 AchiIles Greek Lipless. M
10 Achilles Greek The mythological hero of the Trojan War famous for his valor and manly beauty - his only weak spot was his ankle (hence Achilles' Heel). M
11 Acis Greek Lover of Galatea. M
12 Acrisius Greek Grandfather of Perseus. M
13 Actaeon Greek In ancient Greek mythology Actaeon was a hunter dismembered by his own dogs. M

14 Acteon Greek A hunter dismembered by his own dogs. M
15 Adad Greek Storm and flood god. M
16 Adapa Greek Figure in ancient Greek mythology. M
17 Admetus Greek A king of Pherae. M
18 Adonis Greek Handsome; a lord. Greek mythology; a youth beloved of Aphrodite. M
19 Adras Greek Manly. M
20 Adrastus Greek One of the attackers in 'The Seven Against Thebes'. M

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