
Popular Greek Origin Baby Names

Popular Greek names for girls and boys

Showing 261 - 280 of 1068 results. Page: 14 of 54
# Name Origin Meaning Gender
261 Chiron Greek A centaur. M
262 ChIyses Greek A priest of Apollo. M

263 Chris Greek Diminutive of Christopher: From the Greek word meaning 'carrier of Christ', Famous bearer: St Christopher, patron Saint of travellers, is believed to have carried the Christ-child across a river. M
264 Christan Greek Variant of Christian follower of Christ; the annointed. M
265 Christian Greek Christian. M
266 Christiano Greek Christian. M
267 Christobel Greek Christ bearer. M
268 Christoffel Greek Christ bearer. M
269 Christoph Greek Christ bearer. M
270 Christopher Greek From the Greek word meaning carrier of Christ, Famous bearer: St Christopher, patron Saint of travellers, is believed to have carried the Christ-child across a river. M
271 Christophoros Greek Christ bearer. M
272 Christos Greek Variant of Christian 'follower of Christ; the annointed.'. M
273 Chrysostom Greek Golden mouthed. M

274 Cirilio Greek Variant of Cyril: Lord. M
275 Cirillo Greek Variant of Cyril: Lord. M
276 Cirilo Greek Lordly. M
277 Cirio Greek Lordly. M
278 Ciro Greek Sun or lordly. M
279 Claas Greek People's victory. M
280 Claus Greek People's victory. M

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