French Baby Names |

Popular French names for girls and boys

Showing 761 - 780 of 1078 results. Page: 39 of 54
# Name Origin Meaning Gender
761 Logistilla French Legend. F
762 Lois French Variant of Heloise: Derived from the Old German name Helewidis, meaning hale and wide. Also a French form of Louise. F

763 Loraina French Derived from Lorraine which is the name of a province in France and a family name of French royalty. F
764 Loraine French Variant of Lorraine: From Lorraine (French province) and the family name of French royalty. F
765 Lorayne French Derived from Lorraine which is the name of a province in France and a family name of French royalty. F
766 Lorin French Variant of Lawrence meaning 'from Laurentium. F
767 Lorraina French Derived from Lorraine which is the name of a province in France and a family name of French royalty. F
768 Lorraine French From Lorraine. From Lotharingia. From Lothair's Kingdom. Lothair was a ruler of the region during the 9th century. F
769 Lottie French Diminutive of Charlotte: A feminine form of Charles, meaning man. Alternate meaning, tiny and feminine. Famous bearers: Princess Charlotte, daughter of King George IV; British writer Charlotte Bronte. F
770 Lotty French Diminutive of Charlotte: A feminine form of Charles, meaning man. Alternate meaning, tiny and feminine. Famous bearers: Princess Charlotte, daughter of King George IV; British writer Charlotte Bronte. F
771 Lotye French Tiny and womanly. F
772 Louella French Feminine form of Louis: Famous warrior. Renowned fighter. F
773 Louisa French Feminine form of Louis: Famous warrior. Renowned fighter. F

774 Louise French Feminine form of Louis: Famous warrior. Renowned fighter. F
775 Lucette French Light; illumination. F
776 Lucie French Light; illumination. F
777 Lucienne French Diminutive form of Lucia: light; illumination. F
778 Lucile French Light. Illumination. F
779 Lucille French French variant of Lucia: Light. Famous Bearer: comedienne Lucille Ball. F
780 Lucrece French From the Latin Lucretia. Famous bearer: Lucrece, a Roman matron who committed suicide as a public protest against dishonor; from the Renaissance era - Lucrezia Borgia who was sister to Cesare Borgia. F

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