
Browse Girls Baby Names Starting with letter 'A'

Showing 1241 - 1260 of 2210 results. Page: 63 of 111
# Name Origin Meaning Gender
1241 Andreana Italian Feminine form of Andrea: manly. F
1242 Andreana Latin Feminine of Andrew meaning manly. F

1243 Andreanna Greek Manly. Brave. Feminine form of Andrew. F
1244 Andreanna Latin Feminine of Andrew. F
1245 Andreas Greek Manly. Brave. Feminine form of Andrew. F
1246 Andree French Form of Greek masculine Andrew, meaning manly or brave. Feminine form of Andre, masculine. F
1247 Andrena Greek Manly. Brave. Feminine form of Andrew. F
1248 Andrena Latin Feminine of Andrew. F
1249 Andreya Greek Manly. Brave. Feminine form of Andrew. F
1250 Andreya Latin Feminine of Andrew. F
1251 Andria Latin Feminine of Andrew meaning manly. F
1252 Andria Spanish Feminine form of Andrew: manly. F
1253 Andriana Greek Manly. Brave. Feminine form of Andrew. F

1254 Andriana Latin Feminine of Andrew meaning manly. F
1255 Andrianna Greek Manly. Brave. Feminine form of Andrew. F
1256 Andrianna Latin Feminine of Andrew. F
1257 Andrianne Greek Manly. Brave. Feminine form of Andrew. F
1258 Andrianne Latin Feminine of Andrew. F
1259 Andrienne Greek Manly. Brave. Feminine form of Andrew. F
1260 Andrienne Latin Feminine of Andrew. F

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