
Browse Boys Baby Names Starting with letter 'M'

Showing 321 - 340 of 1513 results. Page: 17 of 76
# Name Origin Meaning Gender
321 Malone Irish Serves Saint John. Surname. M
322 Maloney Gaelic Devoted to God. M

323 Maloney Irish Serves Saint John. M
324 Malory French Variant of Mallory: Unfortunate; ill fated. Derived from an Old French surname. M
325 Malvin Celtic Leader. M
326 Malvin English Council friend. M
327 Malvin Gaelic Polished chief. M
328 Malvin Irish Chief. M
329 Malvolio Shakespearean 'Twelfth Night', also called 'What You Will' Steward to Olivia. M
330 Malvyn Celtic Leader. M
331 Malvyn English Council friend. M
332 Malyn English Little warrior. M
333 Mamdooh Muslim Variant of Mamduh: Praised. Commended. Glorified.. M

334 Mamduh Muslim Praised. Commended. Glorified.. M
335 Mamillius Shakespearean 'The Winter's Tale' Leontes' son, the young Prince of Sicilia. M
336 Mammon Biblical Riches M
337 Mamnoon Muslim Variant of Mamnun: Trustworthy.. M
338 Mamnun Muslim Trustworthy.. M
339 Mamre Biblical Rebellious, bitter, set with trees. M
340 Manaen Biblical A comforter; a leader M

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