
Browse Boys Baby Names Starting with letter 'K'

Showing 561 - 580 of 916 results. Page: 29 of 46
# Name Origin Meaning Gender
561 Khurram Muslim Delightful. Happy.. M
562 Khursheed Muslim Variant of Khurshid: The sun.. M

563 Khurshid Muslim The sun.. M
564 Khushnood Muslim Variant of Khushnud: Happy. Pleased.. M
565 Khushnud Muslim Happy. Pleased.. M
566 Khuzaymah Muslim Old Arabic name.. M
567 Khwaja Muslim Mister. A Spiritual Title.. M
568 Kian Gaelic ancient. M
569 Kian Irish Archaic. M
570 Kian Welsh Legendary father of Lugh. M
571 Kianni Irish Variant of Kian. Ancient. M
572 Kiarr Norse From the marsh. M
573 Kiba Hebrew Variant of Akiva: Heel; replaces. M

574 Kibriya' Muslim Grandeur. Glory.. M
575 Kibriyaa' Muslim Variant of Kibriya': Grandeur. Glory.. M
576 Kibriyyah Muslim Variant of Kibriya': Grandeur. Glory.. M
577 Kibroth-hattaavah Biblical The graves of lust. M
578 Kibzaim Biblical Congregation. M
579 Kidron Biblical Obscure, making black or sad. M
580 Kiefer German Barrelmaker Variant of Cooper. Surname. M

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