
Popular Spanish Origin Baby Names

Popular Spanish names for girls and boys

Showing 501 - 520 of 715 results. Page: 26 of 36
# Name Origin Meaning Gender
501 Lyn Spanish Variant of Linda: Pretty. F
502 Lynn Spanish Variant of Linda: Pretty. F

503 Lynne Spanish Variant of Linda: Pretty. F
504 Madalena Spanish Bitter; Woman from Magdala. Variant of Madeleine. F
505 Madalynn Spanish Bitter; Woman from Magdala. Variant of Madeleine. F
506 Madelynn Spanish Bitter; Woman from Magdala. Variant of Madeleine. F
507 Madena Spanish Bitter; Woman from Magdala. Variant of Madeleine. F
508 Madia Spanish Bitter; Woman from Magdala. Variant of Madeleine. F
509 Madina Spanish Bitter; Woman from Magdala. Variant of Madeleine. F
510 Madre Spanish Mother. F
511 Magdalen Spanish Bitter. Woman from Magdala. The biblical Mary Magdalene came from Magdala area near the sea of Galilee. F
512 Magdalena Spanish Bitter. Woman from Magdala. The biblical Mary Magdalene came from Magdala area near the sea of Galilee. F
513 Magdalene Spanish Bitter. Woman from Magdala. The biblical Mary Magdalene came from Magdala area near the sea of Galilee. F

514 Maite Spanish Love. F
515 Maitea Spanish Love. F
516 Malia Spanish Variant of Maria. F
517 Malita Spanish Variant of Maria. F
518 Manda Spanish Battle maid. F
519 Manoela Spanish God is with us. Variant of Manuel. F
520 Manuela Spanish God is with us. F

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