
Popular Spanish Origin Baby Names

Popular Spanish names for girls and boys

Showing 1 - 20 of 500 results. Page: 1 of 25
# Name Origin Meaning Gender
1 Abran Spanish Variant of Abram 'Exalted father.'. M
2 Adan Spanish Variant of Adam 'From the red earth.'. M

3 Adriano Spanish Dark; Variant of Adrian. From Adria.: (The Adriatic sea region.). M
4 Agustin Spanish Majestic dignity; grandeur. M
5 Alano Spanish Handsome. M
6 Alanzo Spanish Form of Alphonse: see Alfonso. M
7 Alarico Spanish Rules all. M
8 Alba Spanish A place name. M
9 Alberto Spanish Noble; bright. M
10 Alejandro Spanish Spanish form of Alexander defends mankind. M
11 Alfonso Spanish Spanish form of Alphonse 'eager for war'. M
12 Alfredo Spanish Spanish form of Alfred 'counsels the elves'. M
13 Alonso Spanish Eager for battle; Form of Alphonse: see Alfonso. M

14 Alonzo Spanish Eager for battle. M
15 Aluino Spanish Noble friend. M
16 Alvar Spanish Truth-speaker or guardian. M
17 Alvaro Spanish Truth-speaker or guardian. M
18 Alvino Spanish White; fair. M
19 Amadeo Spanish Loves God. M
20 Amado Spanish Loves God. M

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