
Popular Spanish Origin Baby Names

Popular Spanish names for girls and boys

Showing 241 - 260 of 715 results. Page: 13 of 36
# Name Origin Meaning Gender
241 Dinora Spanish Form of Hebrew Dinah. Judged and vindicated. In the bible Dinah was Jacob's only daughter. F
242 Dionis Spanish From Dionysus god of wine. F

243 Dionisa Spanish From Dionysus god of wine. F
244 Dita Spanish Abreviation of the English Edith. Happy warfare, spoils of war. F
245 Dolores Spanish Sorrow. From Maria de los Dolores (the Virgin Mary, or Mary of the Sorrows.) F
246 Dolorita Spanish Full of sorrows. F
247 Domenica Spanish Born on Sunday. Of the Lord. F
248 Dominga Spanish Born on Sunday. Of the Lord. F
249 Dominica Spanish Of the Lord. F
250 Dona Spanish Lady. Respectful title and female equivalent of the title Don. F
251 Dorbeta Spanish Reference to the Virgin Mary. F
252 Dorotea Spanish Spanish form of Dorothy: gift from God. F
253 Doroteia Spanish Spanish form of Dorothy: gift from God. F

254 Dreena Spanish Short form of Alexandrina. F
255 Drina Spanish Short form of Alexandrina. F
256 Duena Spanish Chaperon. F
257 Dukine Spanish Sweet. F
258 Dukinea Spanish Sweet. F
259 Dulce Spanish Sweet. F
260 Dulcina Spanish Sweet. F

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