
Popular Scottish Origin Baby Names

Popular Scottish names for girls and boys

Showing 361 - 380 of 654 results. Page: 19 of 33
# Name Origin Meaning Gender
361 Iver Scottish Archer. M
362 Jackie Scottish God has been gracious; has shown favor. Based on John or Jacques. M

363 Jackson Scottish God has been gracious; has shown favor. Based on John or Jacques. M
364 Jacky Scottish God has been gracious; has shown favor. Based on John or Jacques. M
365 Jaime Scottish Variant of Jacob Supplanter. M
366 Jamie Scottish Variant of Jacob 'Supplanter.'. M
367 Jamieson Scottish Variant of Jacob 'Supplanter.'. M
368 Janneth Scottish Variant of Jane; from the French Jeanette. M
369 Jock Scottish God is gracious. A diminutive of John and influenced by Jack. Today, Jock is commonly used as a nickname for someone who is heavily involved in sports and has been used in the past as a nickname for a Scot or as a slang term for a Scottish soldier. M
370 Johnson Scottish Son of John. M
371 Johnston Scottish From John's farm. M
372 Kade Scottish From the wetlands. M
373 Kai Scottish Fire. M

374 Kam Scottish Form of Cameron 'crooked nose.'. M
375 Kamden Scottish Winding Valley. Form of Camden. M
376 Kameron Scottish Form of Cameron 'crooked nose.'. M
377 Kamron Scottish Form of Cameron 'crooked nose.'. M
378 Kay Scottish Fire. M
379 Keeley Scottish Variant of Kelly: Wood. Surname and place name that has only been used as a first name (either gender) in the latter half of the 20th century. M
380 Keir Scottish A surname used occasionally as a first name since the late 19th century. M

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