
Popular Irish Origin Baby Names

Popular Irish names for girls and boys

Showing 341 - 360 of 1166 results. Page: 18 of 59
# Name Origin Meaning Gender
341 Corley Irish Variant of Corey 'Hill hollow.'. M
342 Cormac Irish Charioteer. M

343 Cormack Irish Variant of Cormac 'raven's son.'. M
344 Cormic Irish Charioteer. M
345 Cormick Irish Charioteer. Variant of Cormac 'raven's son.'. M
346 Cornelius Irish Strong willed or wise. Cornelius is sometimes used as a translation of the name Conchubhar meaning High Desire. M
347 Corney Irish Diminutive of Cornelius: Strong willed or wise. Cornelius is sometimes used as a translation of the name Conchubhar meaning High Desire. M
348 Corran Irish Spear-bearer. M
349 Corren Irish Spear-bearer. M
350 Correy Irish Variant of Corey 'Hill hollow.'. M
351 Corrick Irish Variant of Corey 'Hill hollow.'. M
352 Corrin Irish Spear-bearer. M
353 Cory Irish From the round hill. M

354 Cosgrave Irish Variant of Cosgrove: Triumphant. M
355 Cosgrove Irish Triumphant. M
356 Costello Irish Surname. M
357 Coughlan Irish Hooded. M
358 Covey Irish Hound of the plains. M
359 Cowan Irish Valley in a hill; twin. M
360 Cowen Irish Twin. M

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