Greek Baby Names |

Popular Greek names for girls and boys

Showing 1081 - 1100 of 1480 results. Page: 55 of 74
# Name Origin Meaning Gender
1081 Nelly Greek Diminutive of Helen: Shining light. The bright one. F
1082 Nelma Greek Light. F

1083 Nemesis Greek Goddess of vengeance. F
1084 Neola Greek Youthful. F
1085 Neoma Greek New moon. F
1086 Neomea Greek New moon. F
1087 Neomenia Greek New moon. F
1088 Neomia Greek New moon. F
1089 Nephele Greek The cloud Hera made by Zeus that birthed the Centaurs. F
1090 Nereida Greek Sea nymph; daughter of Nereus. In Greek mythology the Nereids were mermaids and deities of the seas. F
1091 Nereyda Greek Sea nymph; daughter of Nereus. In Greek mythology the Nereids were mermaids and deities of the seas. F
1092 Nerice Greek From the sea. F
1093 Nerida Greek Sea nymph; daughter of Nereus. In Greek mythology the Nereids were mermaids and deities of the seas. F

1094 Neried Greek The sea nymphs. F
1095 Nerina Greek The sea nymphs. F
1096 Nerine Greek The sea nymphs. F
1097 Nerissa Greek Sea nymph. Nerissa was a character in Shakespeare's play, 'The Merchant of Venice'. F
1098 Nerita Greek From the sea. F
1099 Nessa Greek Diminutive of Agnes: Poor, pure, or chaste. St. Agnes was a 3rd century Christian martyr whose January 21st feast day is described in Keats' poem 'The Eve of St Agnes'. Agnes was popular until the Reformation, then revived in the 19th century.Pure. F
1100 Nessia Greek Pure. F

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