French Baby Names |

Popular French names for girls and boys

Showing 1561 - 1580 of 1994 results. Page: 79 of 100
# Name Origin Meaning Gender
1561 Neddy French Diminutive of Edmond: Prosperous protector. A French variant of the Old English name Eadmund, meaning rich or happy, and protection. M
1562 Nell French Diminutive of Eleanor, derived from the Greek Helen. F

1563 Nellie French Diminutive of Eleanor, derived from the Greek Helen. F
1564 Nelly French Diminutive of Eleanor, derived from the Greek Helen. F
1565 Neuveville French From the new town. M
1566 Nevil French From the new town. Originally a surname, since the late 19th century has been used occasionally as a first name. Famous Bearers: novelist Nevil Shute. M
1567 Neville French Variant of Nevil: From the new village. Originally a surname, since the late 19th century has been used occasionally as a first name. Famous Bearers: novelist Nevil Shute. M
1568 Nichol French Feminine of Nicholas: people's victory. F
1569 Nichol French Feminine of Nicholas 'people's victory.'. M
1570 Nichole French Feminine of Nicholas: people's victory. F
1571 Nicola French People's victory. F
1572 Nicolas French Victorious; conquerer of the people. Variant of Nicholas. M
1573 Nicolette French People's victory. F

1574 Ninette French Grace. F
1575 Ninon French Grace. Famous bearer: 17th century aristrocat Ninon de Lenclos was famous for her wit and beauty. F
1576 Noel French Christmas. F
1577 Noel French Christmas. M
1578 Noele French Birthday. Feminine of Noel. Commonly refers to Christ's birth and Christmas festival. F
1579 Noeleen French Feminine form of Noel: Christmas. F
1580 Noeline French Feminine form of Noel: Christmas. F

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