
Popular Czechoslovakian Origin Baby Names

Popular Czechoslovakian names for girls and boys

Showing 21 - 40 of 89 results. Page: 2 of 5
# Name Origin Meaning Gender
21 Han Czechoslovakian Variant of John. M
22 Hlinka Czechoslovakian Burns lime. M

23 Hnedy Czechoslovakian Brown. M
24 Holic Czechoslovakian Barber. M
25 Honza Czechoslovakian Gift from God. M
26 Hrusosky Czechoslovakian Dwells near the pear tree. M
27 Hudak Czechoslovakian Blond. M
28 Janalyn Czechoslovakian Variant of John. In Roman mythology; Jana was the wife of Janus. M
29 Janek Czechoslovakian Variant of John God has been gracious; has shown favor. M
30 Janny Czechoslovakian Variant of John. In Roman mythology; Jana was the wife of Janus. M
31 Janos Czechoslovakian Variant of the Hebrew John: Jehovah has been gracious; has shown favor. M
32 Jirka Czechoslovakian Farmer. M
33 Josef Czechoslovakian May God give increase. M

34 Jozka Czechoslovakian God will multipIy. M
35 Kafka Czechoslovakian Bird. M
36 Kopecky Czechoslovakian Hill. M
37 Kovar Czechoslovakian Smith. M
38 Kozel Czechoslovakian Goat. M
39 Kral Czechoslovakian King. M
40 Kramoris Czechoslovakian Merchant. M

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