Year 2024 Rashiphal (Rashifal) based on Moon sign (Rashi) with analysis on areas Career, Finance, Education, Health and family. These predictions are based on transits of Jupiter, Saturn, Rahu and Ketu. Yearly Horoscope gives you an outlook of your life areas like Career, Education, Earnings, Health and Family. Separate report for each sign, from Aries to Pisces.
This yearly Horoscope reading is based on transit of Major planets, Jupiter, Saturn, Rahu and Ketu. All these are slow moving planets and their impact on our life will be longer than other planets like Sun, Moon, Mars etc.
Throughout 2024, Saturn will transit in Aquarius, Rahu in Pisces, and Ketu in Virgo. Jupiter will transit in Aries, at the beginning of the year, and move to Taurus, on May 1st.
Please Note: All these predictions are based on planetary transits and these are Moon sign based predictions only. These are just indicative only, not personalised predictions.
Check October Month Horoscope (Rashiphal) for your Rashi. Based on your Moon sign.
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Read MoreCheck October Month Horoscope (Rashiphal) for your Rashi. Based on your Moon sign.
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