
Browse Girls Baby Names Starting with letter 'K'

Showing 881 - 900 of 909 results. Page: 45 of 46
# Name Origin Meaning Gender
881 Kunigunde Polish Name of a queen. F
882 Kunti Indian Lover of the sun god. F

883 Kuonrada German Wise. F
884 Kuwanlelenta NativeAmerican To make beautiful surroundings (Hopi). F
885 Kuwanyamtiwa NativeAmerican Beautiful badger going over the hill (Hopi). F
886 Kuwanyauma NativeAmerican Butterfly showing beautiful wings (Hopi). F
887 Kyla Gaelic Feminine of Kyle. F
888 Kyla Hebrew Victorious. F
889 Kylah Gaelic Feminine of Kyle. F
890 Kylea Gaelic Feminine of Kyle. F
891 Kylee Gaelic Feminine of Kyle. F
892 Kyleen Gaelic Feminine of Kyle. F
893 Kyleigh Gaelic Feminine of Kyle. F

894 Kyley Gaelic Feminine of Kyle. F
895 Kyli Gaelic Feminine of Kyle. F
896 Kylianne Gaelic Feminine of Kyle. F
897 Kylie Australian From the Aboriginal word for boomerang. F
898 Kylie Gaelic Feminine of Kyle. F
899 Kylin Gaelic Feminine of Kyle. F
900 Kyllikki Finnish Woman of strength. F

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