
Browse Boys Baby Names Starting with letter 'W'

Showing 41 - 60 of 591 results. Page: 3 of 30
# Name Origin Meaning Gender
41 Wahid Muslim Unique. Single. Exclusively. Unequalled.. M
42 Wahkan NativeAmerican Sacred (Sioux). M

43 Wain English Craftsman. M
44 Wainwright English Wagon maker. M
45 Wait English Guard. M
46 Waite English Guard. M
47 Wajaahat Muslim Variant of Wajahat: Esteem. Credit.. M
48 Wajahat Muslim Esteem. Credit.. M
49 Wajeeh Muslim Variant of Wajih: Notable. Eminent. Noble.. M
50 Wajih Muslim Notable. Eminent. Noble.. M
51 Wake English Alert. M
52 Wakefield English From Wake's field. M
53 Wakeley English From Wake's meadow. M

54 Wakeman English Watchman. M
55 Wakiza NativeAmerican Desperate warrior. M
56 Wakler English Thickener of cloth. M
57 Wal German Diminutive of Walter: Rules the people; powerful ruler. Famous Bearers: explorer Sir Walter Raleigh (1554-1618) and U.S. actor Walter Matthau. M
58 Wal Scottish Diminutive of Wallace: Welshman; stranger. Famous Bearer: Scottish hero Sir William Wallace (executed in 1305).Welshman; stranger. M
59 Walbridge English From the Welshman's bridge. M
60 Walbrydge English From the Welshman's bridge. M

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