
Browse Boys Baby Names Starting with letter 'P'

Showing 21 - 40 of 757 results. Page: 2 of 38
# Name Origin Meaning Gender
21 Padon Biblical His redemption; ox-yoke M
22 Padraic Irish Patrician; noble. Form of Patrick. M

23 Padraig Irish Noble. M
24 Padraig Latin Variant of Patrick: Regal; noble. M
25 Padriac Irish Noble. M
26 Padriac Latin Regal. M
27 Padric Irish Patrician; noble. Form of Patrick. M
28 Padrig Welsh Welsh form of Patrick 'noble'. M
29 Padruig Gaelic Gaelic form of Patrick. M
30 Padruig Scottish Royal. M
31 Paegastun English From the fighter's farm. M
32 Paella English Mantle. M
33 Pafko Czechoslovakian Czechoslovakian for son of Paul. M

34 Paganus Latin Villager. M
35 Page Anglo-Saxon Page. M
36 Page French Attendant. M
37 Page Shakespearean 'The Merry Wives of Windsor' A Gentleman of Windsor. Also William Page, his son. M
38 Paget French Attendant. M
39 Pagiel Biblical Prevention; or prayer; of God M
40 Pahana NativeAmerican Lost white brother (Hopi). M

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