
Browse Boys Baby Names Starting with letter 'C'

Showing 281 - 300 of 1762 results. Page: 15 of 89
# Name Origin Meaning Gender
281 Carlie Gaelic Small champion. M
282 Carlin Gaelic Small champion. M

283 Carlin German a man. M
284 Carlin Irish Little champion. M
285 Carling Gaelic Variant of Carlin: Small champion. M
286 Carlino Italian Manly. M
287 Carlino Spanish Variant of Carlos: Man (Spanish variant of Charles). M
288 Carlisle English From the protected tower; from the walled city. Also a place name in Britain. M
289 Carlisle Shakespearean 'King Richard The Second' Bishop of Carlisle. M
290 Carlo French Strong. M
291 Carlo Italian Manly. M
292 Carlo Spanish Variant of Carlos: Man (Spanish variant of Charles). M
293 Carlomagno Spanish Charles the Great. M

294 Carlos French Strong. M
295 Carlos Spanish Manly. M
296 Carlson English Variant of Carlton 'free men's town.'. M
297 Carlton English Peasants' settlement. Derived from a surname and place name; based on Old English.Free men's town. M
298 Carlton Scottish From the land between the streams. M
299 Carly Gaelic Diminutive of Carlin: Small champion. M
300 Carlyle English Variant of Carlisle: From the protected tower; from the walled city. M

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