
Popular English Origin Baby Names

Popular English names for girls and boys

Showing 381 - 400 of 2286 results. Page: 20 of 115
# Name Origin Meaning Gender
381 Bryanne English She ascends. Feminine of Brian. F
382 Bryony English From the plant name, the name of a flowering vine used in folk medicine. Used commonly as a first name since the early 20th century. F

383 Byrdene English Contemporary name meaning Little bird. F
384 Cadee English Variant of Cady meaning a rhythmic flow of sounds. F
385 Cadena English Rhythmic. F
386 Cadence English Variant of Cady meaning a rhythmic flow of sounds. F
387 Cadi English Variant of Cady meaning a rhythmic flow of sounds. F
388 Cadie English Variant of Cady meaning a rhythmic flow of sounds. F
389 Cady English Hillock. A surname or given name meaning a rhythmic flow of sounds. F
390 Cadyna English Rhythmic. F
391 Calinda English Contemporary blend of the Italian/Greek Calandra with Linda. F
392 Calli English Lark. F
393 Callie English Lark. F

394 Callyr English Lark. F
395 Calynda English Contemporary blend of the Italian/Greek Calandra with Linda. F
396 Came English Joy. F
397 Camella English Variant of the flower name Camelia. F
398 Camellia English Variant of the flower name Camelia. F
399 Cameo English A carved gem portrait. F
400 Camille English Variant of the flower name Camelia. F

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