
Popular English Origin Baby Names

Popular English names for girls and boys

Showing 301 - 320 of 2286 results. Page: 16 of 115
# Name Origin Meaning Gender
301 Betty English A diminutive of Elizabeth, meaning My God is plentiful, frequently used as an independent name since the 18th century. US actress Betty Grable. F
302 Beverlee English Beaver stream. F

303 Beverley English Beaver stream, woman from the beaver meadow. Derived from a surname and place name. First used as a boy's first name in the late 19th century, it gradually came to be used also as a girl's name, although Beverly is the more common feminine form. F
304 Beverly English Woman from the beaver meadow. Beaver stream. F
305 Billie English Determination; strength. A nickname for William. Often combined with other names - Billie-jean and Billie Jo. F
306 Bina English Originally a diminutive used for names ending in -bina, like Albina, Columbina, and Robina, now frequently used as an independent name. F
307 Birdena English Contemporary name meaning Little bird. F
308 Birdie English Contemporary name meaning Little bird; birdlike. F
309 Birdine English Contemporary name meaning Little bird. F
310 Birdy English Birdlike. F
311 Blaire English Feminine form of Blair: Flatland. F
312 Blayre English Feminine form of Blair: Flatland. F
313 Blessing English Consecrated. F

314 Bletsung English Consecrated. F
315 Bliss English Joy. Cheer. F
316 Blisse English Joy. Cheer. F
317 Blithe English Cheerful. F
318 Bliths English Joy. F
319 Blondell English Fair-haired; blonde. Variant of the Spanish Blandina meaning flattering. F
320 Blondelle English Fair-haired; blonde. Variant of the Spanish Blandina meaning flattering. F

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