
Popular English Origin Baby Names

Popular English names for girls and boys

Showing 4141 - 4160 of 4419 results. Page: 208 of 221
# Name Origin Meaning Gender
4141 Wanrrick English Fortress. M
4142 Ward English Guard; watchman. M

4143 Warde English Guard. M
4144 Wardell English From the guardian's hill. M
4145 Warden English Guard. M
4146 Wardley English From the guardian's meadow. M
4147 Ware English Wary. M
4148 Wareine English Gamekeeper. M
4149 Warfield English From the field by the weir. M
4150 Warford English From the farm by the weir. M
4151 Warleigh English From the weir meadow. M
4152 Warley English From the weir meadow. M
4153 Warner English Defender. M

4154 Warren English Gamekeeper 'Defender.'. M
4155 Warrick English Fortress. M
4156 Warton English From the farm by the weir. M
4157 Wartun English From the farm by the weir. M
4158 Warwick English Both a surname and a place name. M
4159 Warwyk English Fortress. M
4160 Washbourne English From the flooding brook. M

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