
Browse Boys Baby Names Starting with letter 'O'

Showing 81 - 100 of 455 results. Page: 5 of 23
# Name Origin Meaning Gender
81 Oengus Irish One vigor. M
82 Oenomaus Greek Son of Ares. M

83 Oetavian Latin Born eighth. M
84 Ofer Hebrew Fawn. M
85 Offa Anglo-Saxon Name of a king. M
86 Ofydd Welsh Welsh form of Ovid 'a Roman poet'. M
87 Og Biblical A cake, bread baked in ashes. M
88 Ogaleesha NativeAmerican Wears a red shirt (Sioux). M
89 Ogden English From the oak tree valley. M
90 Ogdon English From the oak tree valley. M
91 Ogelsby English Fearsome. M
92 Ogelsvie English Fearsome. M
93 Ogelsvy English Fearsome. M

94 Ogilhinn Scottish From the high peak. M
95 Ogilvie Scottish From the high peak. M
96 Ohad Biblical Praising, confessing. M
97 Ohanko NativeAmerican Reckless. M
98 Ohanzee NativeAmerican Shadow (Sioux). M
99 Ohcumgache NativeAmerican Little wolf (Cheyenne). M
100 Ohel Biblical Tent, tabernacle, brightness. M

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