
Browse Boys Baby Names Starting with letter 'L'

Showing 581 - 600 of 815 results. Page: 30 of 41
# Name Origin Meaning Gender
581 Lonnie English Diminutive of Alonso: Noble. Ready. M
582 Lonzo Spanish Ready; eager. Abbreviation of Alonzo. M

583 Loordes Basque Place in France where Virgin Mary reportedly appeared to a young girl and miracles of healing subsequently took place. M
584 Loot Muslim Variant of Lut: The Biblical Lot is the English language equivalent.. M
585 Lootah NativeAmerican Red (Sioux). M
586 Lopdda Teutonic Patriotic. M
587 Lopold Teutonic Patriotic. M
588 Lopoldi Teutonic Patriotic. M
589 Lorah German Variant of Laura referring to the laurel tree or sweet bay tree symbolic of honor and victory. M
590 Loran English Form of Lorenzo and Lawrence. M
591 Lorance English Modern usage. 'From the place of the laurel trees.'. M
592 Lorant Hungarian Victoly. M
593 Lorant Latin Laurel. M

594 Lorcan Irish Little fierce one. M
595 Lord Scroop is a c Shakespearean Variant of Edmund: 'King Henry IV, Part 1' Earl of March. Scroop M
596 Loreca Latin Laurel. M
597 Loren English Variant of Lorin: Variant of Laurence: From the place of laurel trees. Famous Bearer: conductor Lorin Maazel (born 1930). M
598 Loren Latin Laurel. M
599 Lorenc Latin Laurel. M
600 Lorence English Modern usage. 'From the place of the laurel trees.'. M

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