
Browse Boys Baby Names Starting with letter 'H'

Showing 61 - 80 of 1092 results. Page: 4 of 55
# Name Origin Meaning Gender
61 Haestingas English Violent. M
62 Haethowine English War friend. M

63 Hafgrim Norse A settler of Greenland. M
64 Hafiz Muslim Keeper. Guardian. Preserver.. M
65 Hafleikr Norse Sea war. M
66 Hafnar Norse Father of Thorgeir Cheek Wound. M
67 Hagab Biblical A grasshopper. M
68 Hagabah Biblical A grasshopper. M
69 Hagaleah English From the hedged meadow. M
70 Hagalean English From the hedged enclosure. M
71 Hagan Gaelic Young. M
72 Hagan Irish Little Hugh. M
73 Hagan Teutonic Strong defender. M

74 Hagar Biblical A stranger, one that fears' M
75 Hagaward English Keeper of the hedged enclosure. M
76 Hagen Norse Killed Siegfried. M
77 Hagen Teutonic Strong defender. M
78 Haggai Biblical Feast, solemnity. M
79 Haggeri Biblical A stranger. M
80 Haggi Biblical A stranger. M

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