
Popular Muslim Origin Baby Names

Popular Muslim names for girls and boys

Showing 1101 - 1120 of 1436 results. Page: 56 of 72
# Name Origin Meaning Gender
1101 Ridha Muslim Variant of Reza: Contentment. Acceptance. Satisfaction.. M
1102 Ridhaa' Muslim Variant of Reza: Contentment. Acceptance. Satisfaction.. M

1103 Ridhwan Muslim Variant of Rizwan: Acceptance. Good will. Name of the keeper of the Gates of Heaven.. M
1104 Rif'at Muslim Height. High rank.. M
1105 Rifaaqat Muslim Variant of Rifaqat: Companionship. Society.. M
1106 Rifaqat Muslim Companionship. Society.. M
1107 Riyadh Muslim Gardens.. M
1108 Rizwan Muslim Acceptance. Good will. Name of the keeper of the Gates of Heaven.. M
1109 Sa'aadat Muslim Variant of Sa'adat: Happiness. Bliss.. M
1110 Sa'ad Muslim Felicity. Good fortune. Good luck.. M
1111 Sa'adat Muslim Happiness. Bliss.. M
1112 Sa'eed Muslim Variant of Sa'id: Happy. Lucky. Rivulet[See Muslim Names in Help file for usage guidelines]. M
1113 Sa'id Muslim Happy. Lucky. Rivulet[See Muslim Names in Help file for usage guidelines]. M

1114 Sa'ood Muslim Variant of Sa'ud: Felicities. Good fortunes.. M
1115 Sa'ud Muslim Felicities. Good fortunes.. M
1116 Saabiq Muslim Variant of Sabiq: Antecedent. Preceding.. M
1117 Saabir Muslim Variant of Sabir: Patient. Enduring.. M
1118 Saad Muslim Variant of Sa'ad: Felicity. Good fortune. Good luck.. M
1119 Saadaat Muslim Variant of Sadat: Master. Gentleman.. M
1120 Saagh Muslim Variant of Sagh: Listener. In order.. M

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