
Popular Latin Origin Baby Names

Popular Latin names for girls and boys

Showing 1941 - 1960 of 1964 results. Page: 98 of 99
# Name Origin Meaning Gender
1941 Vivia Latin Variant of Viva: Alive. F
1942 Vivian Latin Lively. F

1943 Viviana Latin Lively. F
1944 Vivianna Latin Variant of Vivien. In Malory's Mort dArthur Vivien was the Lady of the Lake; also the enchantress of Merlin. F
1945 Vivianne Latin Variant of Vivien. In Malory's Mort dArthur Vivien was the Lady of the Lake; also the enchantress of Merlin. F
1946 Vivienne Latin Lively. F
1947 Volupia Latin Sensual pleasure. F
1948 VTronique Latin Variant of Veronica: True image; honest image. Biblical - from the maiden who handed Christ her handkerchief on the way to Calvary. His likeness miraculously appeared on the handkerchief, thus she received her name. F
1949 Vyvyan Latin Variant of Viva: Alive. F
1950 Xanthe Latin A Amazon. F
1951 Xuxa Latin Lily. Nickname for Susana used by the hostess of a popular Brazilian children's TV show. F
1952 Yabel Latin Lovable. F
1953 Yulene Latin Young. F

1954 Yulenka Latin Young. F
1955 Yulenke Latin Young. F
1956 Yulia Latin Young. F
1957 Yuliya Latin Young. F
1958 Zelda Latin Abbreviation of Grizelda: Gray; gray-haired. F
1959 Zena Latin Abbreviation of Zenobia, a third century Arab Queen. F
1960 Zenobia Latin Queen Zenobia was third century ruler of the wealthy Arabian desert city of Palmyra. F

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