
Popular Gaelic Origin Baby Names

Popular Gaelic names for girls and boys

Showing 121 - 140 of 210 results. Page: 7 of 11
# Name Origin Meaning Gender
121 Glenna Gaelic Feminine form of Glen or Glenn, derived from the Gaelic 'gleana', meaning valley, or from the glen. F
122 Glenne Gaelic Valley. From the glen. F

123 Glennis Gaelic From the glen. Valley. F
124 Glynis Gaelic From the glen. Valley. F
125 Glynnes Gaelic From the glen. Valley. F
126 Glynnis Gaelic From the glen. Valley. F
127 Grainne Gaelic Grace. F
128 Iseabal Gaelic Devoted to God. F
129 Isobail Gaelic Devoted to God. F
130 Ita Gaelic Thirsty. F
131 Kalene Gaelic Feminine of Kyle. F
132 Kallan Gaelic Powerful in battle. F
133 Kallie Gaelic Variant of Cayley meaning from the forest. F

134 Kelby Gaelic Place by the fountain; spring. F
135 Kellan Gaelic Slender; fair. F
136 Kelleigh Gaelic Lively; aggressive. F
137 Kellen Gaelic Slender; fair. F
138 Kelley Gaelic Lively; aggressive. F
139 Kelli Gaelic Lively; aggressive. F
140 Kellie Gaelic Warrior. F

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