
Popular English Origin Baby Names

Popular English names for girls and boys

Showing 1861 - 1880 of 2286 results. Page: 94 of 115
# Name Origin Meaning Gender
1861 Mamie English Abbreviation of Mary and Miriam. Also a diminutive of any feminine name beginning with M. Also used as an independent name in the USA F
1862 Manda English Abbreviation of Amanda, meaning worthy of being loved. F

1863 Mandalyn English Abbreviation of Amanda, meaning worthy of being loved. F
1864 Mandi English Abbreviation of Amanda, meaning worthy of being loved. F
1865 Mandie English Abbreviation of Amanda, meaning worthy of being loved. F
1866 Mandy English Abbreviation of Amanda, meaning worthy of being loved. F
1867 Mara English Bitter. The biblical Naomi claimed the name Mara as an expression of grief after the deaths of her husband and sons; Variant of Mary; Abbreviation of Tamara. F
1868 Maralyn English Blend of Marie or Mary, and Lyn. F
1869 Maree English Variant of Latin Mary: bitter. F
1870 Mareesa English Variant of Maria. F
1871 Margerie English Variant of the French Margerie. F
1872 Mariah English Variant of Latin Mary: bitter. F
1873 Marie English Variant of Latin Mary: bitter. F

1874 Mariel English Diminutive of Maria. F
1875 Marigold English Marigold (flower name). Mary's gold - refers to both the flower and the mother of Jesus. F
1876 Marilyn English Blend of Marie or Mary and Lyn. F
1877 Marilynn English Blend of Marie or Mary and Lyn. F
1878 Marisa English Variant of Maria. F
1879 Marise English Variant of Maria. F
1880 Marji English Variant of the French Margerie. F

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