
Popular Arabic Origin Baby Names

Popular Arabic names for girls and boys

Showing 1 - 20 of 601 results. Page: 1 of 31
# Name Origin Meaning Gender
1 A'ishah Arabic Lively. F
2 Abba Arabic Father. M

3 Abbas Arabic Stern; lion. M
4 Abbud Arabic Variant of Abid: Worshiper of Allah. M
5 Abd al Alim Arabic Servant of the all knowing. M
6 Abd al Bari Arabic Servant of Allah. M
7 Abd al Hakim Arabic Servant of the wise. M
8 Abd al Jabbar Arabic Servant of the mighty. M
9 Abd al Matin Arabic Servant of the strong. M
10 Abd al Qadir Arabic Servant of the capable. M
11 Abd al Rashid Arabic Servant of the guided. M
12 Abd al Sami Arabic Servant of the all hearing. M
13 Abd er Rahman Arabic Servant of the merciful one. M

14 Abdal Ati Arabic Servant of Allah. M
15 Abdal Aziz Arabic Servant of the Mighty One. M
16 Abdal Fattah Arabic Servant of the one who gives nourishment. M
17 Abdal Hadi Arabic Servant of the leader. M
18 Abdal Hakim Arabic Servant of the wise one. M
19 Abdal Halim Arabic Servant of the patient one. M
20 Abdal Hamid Arabic Servant of the praiseworthy one. M

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