Kanya rashi (Virgo) December 2024 Rashiphal (Rashifal)
Monthly Virgo Horoscope based on Vedic Astrology
Health, Education, Career, Finance, Family and Business for Kanya rashi people in December Monthly
Virgo is the sixth astrological sign in the Zodiac. Virgo is the second-largest constellation. It spans the 150-180th degree of the zodiac. People born under Uttara Nakshatra (2, 3, 4 Pada), Hasta Nakshatra (4), Chitta Nakshatra(1, 2 Pada) comes under Kanya rashi. Lord of this rashi is Mercury.
December 2024 Monthly Horoscope for Virgo
Planetary Positions
- Sun: The Sun, ruler of your 12th house, will transit from Scorpio (3rd house) to Sagittarius (4th house) on Sunday, December 15, 2024.
- Mercury: Mercury, ruler of your 1st (Ascendant) and 10th houses, will remain retrograde in Scorpio (3rd house) throughout the month.
- Venus: Venus, ruler of your 2nd and 9th houses, will move from Sagittarius (4th house) to Capricorn (5th house) on Monday, December 2, 2024, and later to Aquarius (6th house) on Saturday, December 28, 2024.
- Mars: Mars, ruler of your 3rd and 8th houses, will remain in its debilitation sign Cancer (11th house) throughout the month.
- Jupiter: Jupiter, ruler of your 4th and 7th houses, will transit Taurus (9th house) throughout the month.
- Saturn: Saturn, ruler of your 5th and 6th houses, will remain in Aquarius (6th house) for the entire month.
- Rahu: Rahu will stay in Pisces (7th house) throughout the month.
- Ketu: Ketu will remain in Virgo (1st house) for the entire month.
General Predictions
This month will bring mixed results for you.
You will experience a favorable period in your career. Work-related travel might be necessary. Be cautious while interacting with colleagues, as there is a chance of misunderstandings or negative remarks about you. Most of the important tasks you take on will be successful. If you have an interest in writing, some of your articles may get published and receive appreciation. In the second half of the month, due to the Sun’s transit in the 4th house, you may experience increased work pressure and occasional mental stress. However, Mars’ transit will bring unexpected help, enabling you to complete pending tasks with minimal effort.
Family life will be stable this month. In the third week, you may have minor arguments with your spouse, but these will be temporary and resolve quickly. Some relatives may spread rumors about you, so stay cautious. Your relationship with siblings will be strong, and they will provide full support. The atmosphere at home will be pleasant and harmonious, fostering good relationships with family members.
Health-wise, you may face issues related to the stomach and chest. Starting in the third week, you should pay special attention to your mental well-being and nervous system. To overcome health challenges, ensure proper diet and adequate rest.
For businesspeople or self-employed individuals, this month will bring moderate activity. There may be negative remarks about your business, so handle customer interactions carefully and avoid conflicts. Despite your efforts, the outcomes may be less than expected, so try not to dwell on results. Financially, the month will be favorable, ensuring smooth business operations despite occasional challenges.
This month is highly favorable for students. They will receive good support from teachers, helping them achieve excellent results in exams. Those aiming to secure admission into prestigious institutions may hear positive news. Competitive exam candidates will find this month advantageous, and although there may be some mental stress, successful results will alleviate it.
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Please Note: All these predictions are based on planetary transits and Moon sign based predictions. These are just indicative only, not personalised predictions.
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