Personalised Astrological reports

Vedic Astrology reports

Personalised Vedic Astrology reports for marriage, career, education, abroad, progeny, doshas and remedies and many more..

Here you can find details of Astrological reports provided at our site. Click on below link to order desired service. Please note that these reports are not available. You can use Phone/ Chat or personal consultation to know about your birth chart.

Marriage Prospects

Know about your marriage, life partner and remedies for doshas causing delay in marriage.


Progeny Prospects

Know about timing of child birth, doshas and their remedies to have healthy child.


Child Forecast

Know about your child, education, health and career. Solutions for problems in education and health.


Education, Career& Abroad

Problems in education, going abroad or getting a good job? Find solutions.


Career Prospects

Get detailed career forecast and find right career options for you and have a successful career.


Business Prospects

Become a successful businessman, find which business is suitable for you and get remedies.


Year Forecast

Year forecast which covers health, career, family, finance and remedial suggestions for coming year.


Doshas & Remedies

Find out reasons for problems in your life, doshas in your birth chart and get proper remedial suggestions.


Lalkitab Reading

Preditions based on lalkitab and suggestions of remedies for better and problem free life.


Lead by example, be a role model and watch your influence grow.