
Browse Girls Baby Names Starting with letter 'M'

Showing 1281 - 1300 of 1495 results. Page: 65 of 75
# Name Origin Meaning Gender
1281 Modesta Latin Modest. F
1282 Modesta Spanish Modest. F

1283 Modeste Latin Modest. F
1284 Modeste Spanish Modest. F
1285 Modestine Latin Without conceit; modest. F
1286 Modesty English Modesty. F
1287 Modesty Latin Without conceit; modest. F
1288 Modlen Welsh Welsh form of Magdalene: tower. F
1289 Modron ArthurianLegend A goddess and possible precursor of Morgan le Fey. F
1290 Moerae Greek A Fate. F
1291 Moibeal Gaelic Gaelic form of Mabel. F
1292 Moibeal Scottish Lovable. F
1293 Moina Celtic Mild or tender. F

1294 Moina Irish Noble. F
1295 Moira Anglo-Saxon Bitter. F
1296 Moira Celtic Exceptional. F
1297 Moira Greek Merit. F
1298 Moira Hebrew Variant of Mary: Wished-for child; rebellion; bitter. F
1299 Moira Irish Bitter. F
1300 Moira Latin Fate. F

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