
Browse Boys Baby Names Starting with letter 'R'

Showing 501 - 520 of 1132 results. Page: 26 of 57
# Name Origin Meaning Gender
501 Rexlord English From the king's ford. M
502 Rexton English Variant of Rex 'chieftain; ruler.' Surname. M

503 Rexton Latin Variant of Rex 'chieftain; ruler.' Surname. M
504 Rey French Regal. M
505 Rey Spanish King. M
506 Reyes Spanish Kings. M
507 Reyhurn English From the deer's stream. M
508 Reymond French Guards wisely. M
509 Reymond German Guards wisely. M
510 Reymundo French Guards wisely. M
511 Reymundo German Guards wisely. M
512 Reynald English Counselor-ruler. M
513 Reynald German Counselor-ruler. M

514 Reynaldo Shakespearean 'Hamlet, Prince of Denmark' A servant to Polonius. M
515 Reynaldo Spanish Counselor-ruler. M
516 Reynard French Strong counselor. M
517 Reynard German Mighty and brave; strong counsel. M
518 Reynardo Spanish Strong counselor. M
519 Reynold English Counselor-ruler. M
520 Reynold French Mighty counselor/ruler. M

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