
Browse Boys Baby Names Starting with letter 'M'

Showing 1221 - 1240 of 1513 results. Page: 62 of 76
# Name Origin Meaning Gender
1221 Montana Latin Mountain. State of Montana USA. M
1222 Montano Shakespearean 'The Tragedy of Othello' A Cypriot official. M

1223 Montaro Japanese Big boy. M
1224 Montay Italian Mountain. Abbreviation of Montague and Montgomery. M
1225 Montay Spanish Mountain. Abbreviation of Montague and Montgomery. M
1226 Monte English From the wealthy man's mountain. M
1227 Monte French Diminutive of Montgomery: Mountain belonging to the ruler. Also can be a diminutive of Montague: Pointed hill. Steep mountain. M
1228 Monte Italian Mountain. Abbreviation of Montague and Montgomery. M
1229 Monte Spanish Mountain. Abbreviation of Montague and Montgomery. M
1230 Montel Italian Mountain. Abbreviation of Montague and Montgomery. M
1231 Montel Spanish Mountain. Abbreviation of Montague and Montgomery. M
1232 Montes Italian Mountain. Abbreviation of Montague and Montgomery. M
1233 Montes Spanish Mountain. Abbreviation of Montague and Montgomery. M

1234 Montez Italian Mountain. Abbreviation of Montague and Montgomery. M
1235 Montez Spanish Mountain. Abbreviation of Montague and Montgomery. M
1236 Montgomery English From the wealthy man's mountain. M
1237 Montgomery French Mountain belonging to the ruler. Surname of numerous English and Scottish earls. M
1238 Montgomery Scottish From Montgomerie. M
1239 Montgomery Shakespearean 'King Henry the Sixth, Part III' Sir John Montgomery. M
1240 Month Egyptian God of Thebes. M

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