
Popular Muslim Origin Baby Names

Popular Muslim names for girls and boys

Showing 341 - 360 of 2276 results. Page: 18 of 114
# Name Origin Meaning Gender
341 Anwar Muslim Beautiful. Disclosed.. M
342 Aqa Muslim Variant of Agha: Master. Owner.. M

343 Aqeeb Muslim Following. Subsequent.. M
344 Aqeela Muslim Variant of Aqila: Gifted with reason. Wise.. F
345 Aqib Muslim Variant of Aqeeb: Following. Subsequent.. M
346 Aqila Muslim Gifted with reason. Wise.. F
347 Aqueel Muslim Wise. Intellectual.. M
348 Aquil Muslim Variant of Aqueel: Wise. Intellectual.. M
349 Ara Muslim Embellishing. Adorning.. F
350 Arif Muslim Variant of Aarif: Acquainted. Knowledgeable. Devotee.. M
351 Arif Muslim Variant of Aarif: Acquainted. Knowledgeable. Devotee.. M
352 Arjumand Muslim Respected. Noble.. M
353 Arqam Muslim Writer. The best recorder.. M

354 Arsalaan Muslim Variant of Arsalan: Lion. King of Jungle.. M
355 Arsalan Muslim Lion. King of Jungle.. M
356 Arsh Muslim Dominion . Crown. Throne.. M
357 Arshad Muslim Most honest. Better guided.. M
358 Artbar Muslim Ambergris.. F
359 Arub Muslim Woman loving to her husband.. F
360 Arwa Muslim Female mountain goat.. F

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