
Popular German Origin Baby Names

Popular German names for girls and boys

Showing 401 - 420 of 1583 results. Page: 21 of 80
# Name Origin Meaning Gender
401 Clementine German Feminine form of the Latin Clement. Famous bearers of the name Clementine: the heroine of the well-known folk song 'Clementine' and the Sir Winston Churchill's wife. F
402 Clotilda German Heroine. Famous battle. Derived from the Old German 'hloda' meaning loud or famous, and 'hildi' meaning battle. Famous bearer: 6th century saint Clotilda was married to King Clovis, and played a major role in his conversion to Christianity. F

403 Clotilde German Heroine. F
404 Clovis German Renowned fighter. Variant of Louis. M
405 Conn German Diminutive of Conrad: Brave adviser. M
406 Connie German Diminutive of Conrad: Brave adviser. M
407 Conny German Diminutive of Conrad: Brave adviser. M
408 Conrad German Honest advisor Brave; wise. M
409 Conrade German Variant of Conrad: Brave adviser. M
410 Conradin German Honest advisor. M
411 Conradina German Bold. F
412 Conradine German Bold. F
413 Conrado German Variant of Conrad: Brave adviser; honest advisor. M

414 Cord German Honest advisor. M
415 Corrado German Bold. M
416 Cort German Courageous; honest advisor. M
417 Curt German Variant of Conrad. M
418 Dagmar German Famous or glorious day. Derived from a compound of two German words. F
419 Dagoberto German Glorious day. M
420 Dagomar German Glorious day. F

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