
Popular French Origin Baby Names

Popular French names for girls and boys

Showing 1 - 20 of 1994 results. Page: 1 of 100
# Name Origin Meaning Gender
1 Abella French Breath. F
2 Absolon French The father is peace, or father of peace. Form of Hebrew Absolom who was son of Old Testament King David. Became popular in the 12th century. M

3 Acel French Adherent of a nobleman. M
4 Aceline French Noble. F
5 Ada French Diminutive of Adelaide: Nobility. French form of the Old German Adalheidis, a compound of 'athal' (noble) and 'haida' (hood). Adelaide, the capital of South Australia, was named after Queen Adelaide, 19th century King William IV's consort. F
6 Adalene French Variant of Adela. F
7 Adalicia French Of the nobility. Noble. F
8 Adalie French Of the nobility. Noble. F
9 Adaliz French Of the nobility. Noble. F
10 Adalyn French Variant of Adela. F
11 Addie French Diminutive of Adelaide: Nobility. French form of the Old German Adalheidis, a compound of 'athal' (noble) and 'haida' (hood). Adelaide, the capital of South Australia, was named after Queen Adelaide, 19th century King William IV's consort. F
12 Addy French Diminutive of Adelaide: Nobility. French form of the Old German Adalheidis, a compound of 'athal' (noble) and 'haida' (hood). Adelaide, the capital of South Australia, was named after Queen Adelaide, 19th century King William IV's consort. F
13 Adela French Good humor. F

14 Adelaide French Nobility. French form of the Old German Adalheidis, a compound of 'athal' (noble) and 'haida' (hood). Adelaide, the capital of South Australia, was named after Queen Adelaide, 19th century King William IV's consort. F
15 Adele French Good humor; Of the nobility. Noble. F
16 Adelia French Of the nobility. Noble. F
17 Adelina French Of the nobility. Noble. Variant of Adela. F
18 Adeline French Variant of Adela. F
19 Adelisa French Of the nobility. Noble. F
20 Adelise French Forerunner of Alice. Of the nobility. Noble. F

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