English Baby Names | onlinejyotish.com

Popular English names for girls and boys

Showing 1561 - 1580 of 6705 results. Page: 79 of 336
# Name Origin Meaning Gender
1561 Cilla English A diminutive of Priscilla made famous by 1960s British singer CilIa Black, who was born Priscilla White. F
1562 Cim English Ruler. F

1563 Cimberleigh English From the royal meadow. F
1564 Cinda English Abbreviation of Cynthia and Lucinda. F
1565 Cindel English Abbreviation of Cynthia and Lucinda. F
1566 Cinderella English Little cinder girl. The name of a fairy-tale heroine. F
1567 Cindi English Abbreviation of Cynthia and Lucinda. F
1568 Cindia English Abbreviation of Cynthia and Lucinda. F
1569 Cindy English Dimunitive of Cynthia, Lucinda, and Cinderella. F
1570 Cingeswell English Lives at the king's spring. M
1571 Cingeswiella English Lives at the king's spring. M
1572 Cinwell English Lives at the king's spring. M
1573 Circehyll English Lives at the church hill. M

1574 Cirilla English Mistress; lady. Feminine of Cyril. F
1575 Cis English Diminutive of Christie: Diminutive of any name begining with Christ-, for example Christahel, Christian, or Christopher. Variant of Christiana. Follower of Christ. Diminutive of Cecilia: A feminine form of Cecil, meaning blind. F
1576 Cis English Diminutive of Christie: Diminutives of any masculine or feminine name begining with Christ-, for example Christahel, Christian, or Christopher. M
1577 Ciss English Diminutive of Christie: Diminutive of any name begining with Christ-, for example Christahel, Christian, or Christopher. Variant of Christiana. Follower of Christ. Diminutive of Cecilia: A feminine form of Cecil, meaning blind. F
1578 Ciss English Diminutive of Christie: Diminutives of any masculine or feminine name begining with Christ-, for example Christahel, Christian, or Christopher. M
1579 Cissie English Diminutive of Christie: Diminutive of any name begining with Christ-, for example Christahel, Christian, or Christopher. Variant of Christiana. Follower of Christ. Diminutive of Cecilia: A feminine form of Cecil, meaning blind. F
1580 Cissie English Diminutive of Christie: Diminutives of any masculine or feminine name begining with Christ-, for example Christahel, Christian, or Christopher. M

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